Insert table presets and code syntax add-on

- Add Issue
The developer shall extend our current plugin with a button that inserts a table of the following format at the cursor of the editor.
● All cells should have the document “normal text” font
● First column: 5 rows with bold texts
● The second column should not be marked in bold
● The table should be inserted at whatever line the cursor of the editor is
● BONUS: Having four buttons: Info, Low, Medium, High would be ideal. Each button
already sets the severity. Should only be done if the four buttons fit on a single row
- Insert Issue
The developer shall extend our current plugin with a button that opens a list of categories when the user clicks on the button (eg. masterchef, token, generic). The list should have a multi-level dropdown structure as seen in the example below. If difficult or impossible to set up, the client is of course free to discuss alternatives with us. The first level is a list of categories, the second list is a list of issues in that category. These categories and issues are pulled from a Google Sheet with at least the following columns:
- Category
- Name (used for the dropdown)
- Title (used for the actual table)
- Severity
- Description
- Recommendation
- Resolution (will usually be empty, as this field contains the fixes that our client did)
- Existing Colorize button (Syntax Addon)
The add-on should maintain the colorize button that already exists in our github organization.
A private tool to automate technical programming reports for Paladin Blockchain Security.
The addon uses an existing github repo (